About Platforms Games Home


This site is just an archive of my thoughts on the games that I've played, and the platforms that I play them on. I usually try to finish the games that I start, but games occasionally have some BS that causes me to lose interest and quit. Don't expect a proper review or objective feedback on any game listed here; everything I've written is purely my opinion, based only on my own experience playing the game. Most of what I write will also contain spoilers for each game (and maybe others in the same series), so read at your own risk. Also, I don't carefully proofread or edit anything I write since I just want to leave a record of my impressions for my own eyes, so poor styling, grammar, or even some egregious typos can most likely be expected in most entries.

In the future, I might add some dedicated pages to track my TF2 soldier/demo jumping completion or to lay out stats and mechanics info for Killing Floor if I feel motivated enough to do so. Otherwise, I'll just continue gradually adding new entries for other games that I play over time.

Site created and maintained by dusty.